Getting Ready To Have Some Fun


The tower site is located at the edge of a small orchard in our easterly side yard about 90 feet from the house. The path to the shack is 230 feet away, across the lawn, under the driveway and through the front yard. I had put conduit under the driveway when it was resurfaced several years ago, just in case. HI.

The last "fruit tree" in the first row after the dwarf peach will be a Rohn 25G hybrid with multiple wire grafts. The flags in the foreground are courtesy of DigSafe since our utilities are all underground.

September 26, 1998

The base for a 50 foot Rohn 25G tower is not very wide, i.e., not much room for a shovel (or me). Don't let the grass fool you. Glacial till lurks just below the surface. Fortunately, we never hit any boulders.

After digging down 2 feet from above I enlisted my XYL, Sheila, to finish the job with a garden spade. By the time she was done, the base was 5 feet deep. Eat your hearts out guys !



September 28, 1998

Here's my friend Ric, KV1W, with his shovel. Ric is my tower elmer. He provided technical advice and much help for almost every aspect of this project. Thanks Ric !

BTW, look for KV1W (M/M) in CQWW and ARRL DX contests. Just listen for the rock crushing signals from Berlin, MA. Ric has a Rohn 25G tower with a 40-2CD at 90', a TH-11DX at 80' and a TH-7DX at 45'. He also has a 75/80M 4-Square ! Throw in an A3 on a portable winch-up tower at 50' for selected contests.

Go YCCC! Kick Butt.

  Trenching the yard for the conduit going around the front of the house towards the tower. More conduit is visible in the right of the photo. I used Cablewave 1/2" Flexwell hardline to feed the antenna. Top of tower is 280 feet away. Also buried were two control lines containing eight 16 gauge pairs and one 10 gauge ground.

KV1W digging the hole for one of the guy points. Note the antenna camouflage to the right masquerading as an oak tree.   The cages were about 35% larger than specified with extra rebar. We dug the holes wider and deeper as well. Before the pour, the rebar elements were squared up and the guy anchors wired in place. The sub-surface soil is sandy gravel.
revised November 21,2012